My article – ‘Golden rule in commercial mediation’ was published in the Law Society Gazette online 13.05.2024.

My article – ‘Golden rule in commercial mediation’ was published in the Law Society Gazette online 13.05.2024. To read it, simply google the words – ‘Golden rule in commercial mediation + Law Gazette.’ I have also posted a link to the article on the ‘Publications’ page at

Link: Golden rule in commercial mediation | Law Gazette

30 minutes ago, I completed the writing-up of draft Chapter 4 – ‘Associated claims’, of the 2nd ed of the Contentious Probate Handbook, for publication by the Law Society of England & Wales, and submitted it to my editor. The chapter runs to 19,730 words = 79 A4 pages of manuscript. In re Thompson’s Will Trusts; Dryden v Young [2024] EWHC 1095 (Ch), HH Judge Davis-White KC, provided a comprehensive summary of the principles that govern the approach of a court of construction to the interpretation of a will. This, along with other recent cases in relation to: substitution & removal of executors; construction & rectification of a will; family provision; & proprietary estoppel claims (including Winter v. Winter [2023] EWHC 2393 (Ch)), together with references to civil procedure and practice set out in the latest edition of the Chancery Guide, are all discussed. Next, I will turn to the writing-up of Chapter 2 – ‘Preliminary steps’, which will include a detailed and updated discussion of ‘caveats’. I am aiming to complete the 1st draft of that chapter within the next 14 days. So back to the book! Activate to view larger image,