‘My article – “Golden Rule in Commercial Mediation” is scheduled for publication in the Law Society Gazette (online) either tomorrow or on Monday’

I have broken off from writing the 2nd ed of the Contentious Probate Handbook for the Law Society for 30 minutes, to mention that the editor of the Law Society Gazette has just informed me that my article ‘Golden Rule in Commercial Mediation’, will be pusblished online in the Law Society Gazette either tomorrow or on Monday. This is my 2nd article for the LSG over the last 6 months. My previous article was entitled ‘Commercial Mediation of Music Disputes.’ Just Google those words to find it. The LSG has given permission to the CMC to republish that article on their website, to a worldwide audience. I am currently wriritng the Costs Chapter of the book, and by Sunday will have completed the draft chapter for submission. I will then have written-up almost half the book. As I have been writing the book, I have discovered significant changes in the law, procedure and practice in relation to these claims, and following publication will offer the LSG a series of short articles as updates for solicitors. Now back to the book!