Well at least that is what it says on the sign in my office!
Advocacy is about ‘persuasion’ in the non-Godfather Part 1 sense of the term. That takes patience, preparation and skill. So does ‘persuasion’ in Mediation Advocacy. However, this takes the form of ‘negotiation’ – which involves a completely different approach and skill set – you are not trying to win. You are trying to do a deal. So, I have included the following recommended reading list at the end of the ADR Chapter in the 2nd Edition of the Contentious Probate Handbook, which I am currently writing for the Law Society of England and Wales:
10.5.3 Further reading
In order to develop your mediation advocacy skills, the author recommends the following publications:
‘Thinking in Bets – Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All The Facts’, by Annie Duke (2018), Portfolio/Penguin.
‘Negotiating the Nonnegotiable – How To Resolve Your Most Emotionally Charged Conflicts’, by Daniel Shapiro (2017) Penguin Books.
‘Negotiating the Impossible – How To Break Deadlocks And Resolve Ugly Conflicts (Without Money or Muscle), by Deepak Malhotra (2016), Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
‘Never Split The Difference – Negotiating as if your life depended on it,’ by Chris Voss (2016), rh Business Books.
‘Negotiation Genius – How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond’, by Deepak Malhotra and Max H Bazerman of Harvard Business School (2008), Bantam Books.
‘Building Agreement – Using Emotions As You Negotiate’, by Roger Fisher and Daniel Shapiro (2007), rh Business Books.
‘Thinking fast and slow’ by Nobel Laureate in Economics – Daniel Kahneman (2011), Allen Lane.
‘Beyond Machiavelli – Tools For Coping With Conflict’, by Roger Fisher, Elizabeth Kopelman, and Andrea Kupfer Schneider (1996), Penguin books.
I will be discussing ‘negotiation’ mindset and skills in a talk that will be broadcast worldwide at 4pm GMT on Thursday 24 October 2024, in a one hour online seminar for the SCMA.
Prior to entering private practice, I worked in-house for Rolls-Royce and Alstom (in Paris) drafting, and negotiating deals in multiple jurisdictions around the world (principally in the Far East, including China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, and India), and resolving international commercial disputes. As a Mediation Advocate, I approach doing a deal in settlement of a commercial dispute with the benefit of that commercial experience and can apply a degree of ‘nous’. As a Mediator, I can also use my ‘commercial’ antennae to help parties re-frame their dispute as an opportunity.
For anybody who is interested in the study, teaching and practice of ‘International Dispute Settlement’, at the foot of the ‘International Dispute Settlement’ page at www.carlislam.co.uk, I have also set out a Research Bibliography for my next book, ‘International Dispute Settlement’ – which I will start to write in 2025.
My copy of ‘Beyond Machiavelli – Tools For Coping With Conflict’ was handed to me and signed by the late Professor Roger Fisher at the end of a two hour one-on-one conversation with him, in his study at Harvard Law School, during a short research visit as a Scholar from King’s College London to Harvard University in April 2002. His parting words to me were:
‘Appreciate their point of view. Understand it. It is very important to appreciate the way they see it. Even if you don’t agree, say that it merits serious consideration. Don’t say that they are wrong. Appreciate their self-esteem. Acknowledge that the other person has been heard. Be prepared to argue their case better than they can before you answer it.’
As an SCMA Accredited Mediation Advocate and CMC Registered Mediator, I abide by the wisdom of Professor Fisher. This is how you achieve a ‘break-through’ moment in any negotiation/Mediation. I commend his books to all students and practitioners of Mediation and International Dispute Settlement.