‘Bollywood at the Proms – Prom 18: Lata Mangeshkar: Bollywood Legend’


If you missed it you can play it on the BBC i-player. This was a complete triumph! and for me it is was not only joyous – it was the ‘stand-out’ Prom so far of 2023. The songs of Lata Mangeshkar are universal in their beauty and appeal, and watching the Prom last night I could hear cadences of African Arabic and Persian influences influences in the music and saw this in the dance. These ideas, styles, and tastes which are unique to India, I suspect have been influenced by merchants who have been travelling accross the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea to India to trade since ancient times. So, you can drift back in time when you watch such a performance which is rich with customs and protocol that has been enriched by other cultures over centuries. That is why this music and dance, which laden with symbolism and hidden meaning is for everybody. Music truly brings the world together. Bravo to the artists and to the https://cbso.co.uk/events/the-cbso-at-the-bbc-proms-28-july for letting us into the rich world of India’s musical heritage and living culture.

I think Palak Muchhal made her Proms debut 23.07.2015, see: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HHVPwNOKoFA