My article ‘Commercial Mediation of Music Disputes’ is scheduled for publication both online and in print in the Law Society Gazette on Friday 1st December – see also the ‘Commercial Mediation of Music Disputes’ page at Taxation (Tolley) are also publishing an article I have written about mediating estate disputes which include art and heritage assets, in their special Christmas edition on 14 December. I will post links to the articles on the ‘Publications’ page at following publication. I am currently researching cases and material for the 2nd edition of the Contentious Probate Handbook, for publication by the Law Society in 2024, and am on schedule to complete that phase by the end of February. There have been significant changes in litigation practice and in mediation which I will discuss in detail in the book, along with drafting and advocacy in contentious probate hearings and mediation. So you wait for one London Bus and two come along at once! My essay – ‘Mediation of Cultural Property Disputes’, which I wrote and have submitted for the Diploma in Art Law course that I am in the final stages of completing at the Institute of Art & Law in London, is also available to view on the ‘Cultural Property & International Humanitarian Law’ page of my website.