Society of Mediators CPD Training Day 2021

Many thanks to Jonathan Dingle, Zoey White, Steven Malcolm OBE, and Lord Strathcarron at the Society of Mediators, for running the SOM Mediation CPD Day 2021 yesterday. I thought this was an excellent opportunity for all members of the Society of Mediators to road-test new techniques in the safe environment of mock mediations with their peers, and to observe different styles of mediation. I thoroughly recommend the course to everyone who practices as a mediator. I think that the more you mediate the more you learn and grow as a mediator. So, for those who like myself are just starting out in their mediation practice, you can gain insights into the psychology of mediation, and develop mediator knowhow by attending these training days. In the case study I mediated (which was a probate dispute about a testamentary gift of a luxury asset),  I road-tested various techniques I have been developing to transform a Contentious Probate, Inheritance Act and Trust Dispute, into an opportunity to expand the pie by applying estate planning principles to develop bespoke and holistic family wealth structuring solutions. The dispute settled with three minutes left to go before the Mediation was scheduled to end. Even though there was some initial hostility and resistance to the idea that a luxury asset can be viewed as ‘a store of value’ to which different participants may attach asymmetrical values in relation to what they each want and need, that can be re-structured so that one participant gets e.g. the orange peel and the other the orange pulp, in theory these Mediator techniques can work.